Please find the detailed information below on Bid Slot option
• BID SLOT-: Here you can give number as you want to keep the quote in following hours.
• BID DECREMENT-: Here you have 2 options Cost or Percentage. If same transporter wants to bid again, he can reduce his quote as per your decrement value.
• CONTRACTED TRANSPORTERS-: If you want to exclude the contract transporters to quote for the indent. You can select the option here
• AUTO EXTEND BID EXPIRY - If you enable this toggle button then you are able to use BID "EXPIRY CUT OFF" and "EXTEND BID EXPIRY BY" and "NUMBER OF EXTENSIONS".
• EXTEND BID EXPIRY BY: We can extend bid slot hours by adding hours here.
• EXPIRY CUT OFF:- Here we can add timings within which if any bid request will come then Bid slot hour will increase according to the value given in "EXTEND BID EXPIRY BY".
• NUMBER OF EXTENSIONS-: Here you can give how many times you want to extend the bid slots.
• LEADING BID BUFFER : So for example rank 1 rate it 1000 (transporter T1)
And the leading bid buffer is 200rs by cost For another transporter (T2) to get moved to rank 1, his rate should be lesser than the current rank 1 transporter rate by the defined amount or percentage.
Here it should be 800rs , for the T2 rate to be considered as rank 1.