Unlike traditional paper-based methods, EDI facilitates the real-time transmission of data between shippers and carriers. This eliminates the delays and errors associated with manual data entry and ensures that all parties involved have access to the most up-to-date information. 

Streamlining EDI Transactions with Pando's Integration Capabilities 
Pando offers compatibility with EDI to enable shippers and carriers to seamlessly exchange critical shipment data. Key functionalities include: 

  • Tender creation, updates, and deletion: Effortlessly manage tenders, the cornerstone of carrier selection and shipment planning. 
  • Accept or reject inbound transactions: Efficiently process incoming transactions, ensuring timely responses and accurate shipment execution. 
  • Track shipments in real-time: Monitor shipment progress in real-time, providing visibility into the entire supply chain. 

Pando works with its EDI partner to determine the following: 

  • Requirements and scope: Identify the specific requirements and scope of the EDI integrations needed to establish seamless 1/2-way connections between the necessary trading partners and the Pando platform. This involves understanding the data types, formats, and communication protocols that need to be exchanged.  
  • Costs, timelines, and execution: A detailed breakdown of the costs, timelines, and execution plan for the EDI integrations. 

Pando-EDI compatibility

Pando recognizes that not all carriers have the same level of technical expertise or resources. The platform offers two methods for integrating with EDI: 

  • Supported standards: Pando, through its EDI partner, supports a wide range of EDI standards, including:
  • ANSI X-12
  • ASC
  • VICS
  • TDCC
  • AIAG
  • UCS
  • NWDA
  • All versions of XML 
  • Communication methods supported: 
    Pando, through its EDI partner, supports a variety of communication methods for EDI data exchange, including: 
    • AS2: AS2 is an encrypted data transport protocol that utilizes encrypted certificates and MDNs (Message Disposition Notifications) to ensure the secure and reliable delivery of EDI messages.
    • FTP: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a widely used protocol for transferring files over a network. Pando supports both sFTP (secure FTP) and FTPs (FTP over SSL/TLS) for secure EDI data exchange.
    • VAN (Value Added Network): A VAN is a third-party network that acts as a mailbox, storing and receiving EDI messages on behalf of trading partners. Pando can connect to various VANs to facilitate EDI data exchange with trading partners that prefer this method of communication. 

Supported EDI transaction codes


While almost all EDI transaction codes are supported, here are some details about the most common codes. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Ocean EDIs 

1. 301

EDI 301, also known as Booking Confirmation (Ocean), is an electronic data interchange (EDI) transaction set used to confirm or reject a shipment booking request. It is typically exchanged between shippers or freight forwarders and ocean carriers. EDI 301 fulfills the following purposes: 

  1. Confirmation or Rejection of Booking Request: Ocean carriers use EDI 301 to inform shippers or freight forwarders whether they accept, conditionally accept, or reject a shipment booking request. 
  2. Verification of Shipment Details: EDI 301 provides confirmation of essential shipment details, including cargo details, vessel information, voyage details, and routing information. 
  3. Streamlined Communication: EDI 301 facilitates real-time, electronic communication between shippers/freight forwarders and ocean carriers, eliminating the need for paper-based documents and manual data entry.

Key Elements of EDI 301

EDI 301 contains various data segments that convey essential information for booking confirmation or rejection: 

  • Booking Reference Number 
  • Shipment Information 
  • Vessel Information 
  • Routing Information
  • Confirmation or Rejection Status 
  • Reason for Rejection (if applicable) 

EDI 315, known as Status Details (Ocean), is an electronic document that provides real-time updates on the status of ocean shipments. 
EDI 315 fulfills the following purpose: 

  1. Real-Time Shipment Status Updates: EDI 315 provides real-time updates on the status of a shipment, including its current location, estimated arrival date, and any relevant events or delays. 
  2. Enhanced Visibility: EDI 315 enhances visibility into the entire shipment lifecycle, enabling shippers, freight forwarders, and other parties to track shipments effectively. 
  3. Informed Decision-Making: Timely and accurate status updates inform decision-making regarding logistics planning, inventory management, and customer notifications. 
  4. Improved Communication: EDI 315 facilitates seamless communication between ocean carriers and their customers, ensuring that all parties have access to the latest shipment status information. 

Key Elements of EDI 315 
    EDI 315 contains various data segments that convey essential information for booking     confirmation or rejection: 

  • Shipment Identification 
  • Current Location 
  • Estimated Arrival Date 
  • Shipment Events: Details about any significant events that have occurred during the shipment journey, such as delays, port changes, or cargo handling incidents. 
  • Status Codes: Standardized codes indicating the overall status of the shipment, such as "in transit," "at port," or "delivered." 
  • Additional Information 


3. 310 

EDI 310, also known as Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean), is an electronic data interchange (EDI) transaction set used to exchange freight receipts and invoices related to ocean shipments. 

EDI 310 fulfills the following purposes: 

  1. Freight Receipt Confirmation: EDI 310 confirms the receipt of a shipment, providing details about the cargo, carrier, and voyage. 
  2. Invoice Generation: EDI 310 facilitates the generation of invoices for ocean freight services, including freight charges, fees, and taxes. 
  3. Automated Payment Processing: EDI 310 supports automated payment processing, streamlining the invoicing and payment cycle. 
  4. Enhanced Accuracy and Transparency: EDI 310 ensures the accuracy and transparency of freight charges and invoice details. 
  5. Streamlined Communication: EDI 310 facilitates seamless communication between ocean carriers and their customers, reducing the risk of errors and delays. 

Key elements of EDI 310  

  • Shipment Identification 
  • Cargo Details 
  • Freight Charges 
  • Payment Terms 
  • Invoice Number 
  • Invoice Date 


Road EDIs 

EDI 214, also known as Freight Bill of Lading Acknowledgment (Road), is an electronic data interchange (EDI) transaction set used to acknowledge the receipt of a freight bill of lading.     

    EDI 214 fulfills the following purposes: 

  1. Confirmation of Receipt: Acknowledges the receipt of a freight bill of lading, verifying its accuracy and completeness. 
  2. Resolution of Discrepancies: Facilitates the resolution of any discrepancies or errors identified in the bill of lading. 
  3. Initiation of Shipment Execution: Signals the carrier to initiate the shipment execution process based on the authorized bill of lading. 
  4. Documentation Completion: Confirms the completion of bill of lading documentation, ensuring accuracy and compliance. 
  5. Communication of Status: Provides feedback to the shipper or freight forwarder regarding the status of the bill of lading acknowledgment. 

Key Elements of EDI 214 
EDI 214 contains various data segments that convey essential information for bill of     lading acknowledgment: 
  • Bill of Lading Number 
  • Shipment Identification 
  • Acknowledgment Status 
  • Discrepancies or Errors 
  • Requested Action 
  • Shipment Status 
  • Contact Information 

    2. 210 

    EDI 210, also known as Freight Bill of Lading (Road), is an electronic data interchange     (EDI) transaction set used to exchange bill of lading information for road shipments. It     is typically exchanged between ocean carriers and shippers or freight forwarders. 


EDI 210 fulfills the         following purposes: 

  1. Standardized Bill of Lading: Creates a standard format for bill of lading information, ensuring consistent and accurate data exchange. 
  2. Shipment Documentation: Provides detailed documentation of the shipment, including cargo details, delivery instructions, and carrier information. 
  3. Proof of Ownership: Serves as proof of ownership of the goods, facilitating customs clearance and delivery processes. 
  4. Evidence of Contract: Acts as evidence of the contract between the shipper and the carrier, outlining terms and conditions. 
  5. Simplified Dispute Resolution: Facilitates streamlined dispute resolution by providing a clear record of shipment details and agreed-upon terms. 


Key elements of EDI 210 

  • Shipment Identification 
  • Cargo Details 
  • Delivery Instructions 
  • Carrier Information 
  • Freight Charges 
  • Customs Information 

3. 204 

    EDI 204, also known as Motor Carrier Load Tender, is an electronic data interchange     (EDI) transaction set used to tender an offer for a shipment to a full truckload motor     carrier. It is typically exchanged between shippers and motor carriers.     


EDI 204 fulfills the following purposes: 

  1. Shipment Tendering: Provides a formal offer for a shipment, including details about the cargo, origin, destination, and scheduling requirements. 
  2. Carrier Selection: Facilitates the selection of appropriate motor carriers based on their capabilities and availability. 
  3. Rate Negotiation: Enables negotiation of rates and terms of service between shippers and carriers. 
  4. Shipment Planning: Supports planning and coordination of shipment logistics, including routing and transit times. 
  5. Streamlined Communication: Facilitates electronic communication between shippers and carriers, reducing the need for manual data entry and paper-based documents. 

Key Elements of EDI 204 

  • Shipment Identification
  • Shipper Information
  • Carrier Information 
  •     Consignee Information 
  •     Cargo Details 
  •     Pickup and Delivery Information
  •     Equipment Requirements 
  •    Routing and Transit Times 
  •     Rates and Charges 

4. 990

EDI 990, also known as Response to a Load Tender, is an electronic data interchange (EDI) transaction set used by motor carriers to respond to a shipment tender from a shipper. It is typically exchanged between motor carriers and shippers. 

Purpose of EDI 990 

EDI 990 fulfills the following purposes: 

  1. Shipment Acceptance or Rejection: Conveys whether the carrier accepts, conditionally accepts, or rejects the shipment tender based on their availability and capabilities. 
  2. Capacity Confirmation: Confirms the availability of the carrier's equipment and resources to accommodate the shipment requirements. 
  3. Rate Negotiation: Facilitates further negotiation of rates and terms of service if necessary. 
  4. Shipment Planning Coordination: Enables coordination of shipment logistics between the shipper and the carrier. 
  5. Streamlined Communication: Facilitates electronic communication between shippers and carriers, reducing the need for manual data entry and paper-based documents. 

Key Elements of EDI 990 

  • Tender Reference Number 
  • Carrier Response Code 
  • Acceptance/Rejection Reason 
  • Equipment Confirmation 
  • Rate and Charge Confirmation 
  • Pickup and Delivery Information 
  • Contact Information